If our new property manager, Maryann, knows how to do one thing, it's throw a party! Witness: the ice cream social we had this past Thursday. Testify!
Pulling some inside strings, Maryann got Baskin Robbins to make an appearance with their mobile ice cream cart, which kept the strawberry, vanilla, cookies and cream, and jamocha almond fudge crisply cold. The toppings were spread out in a veritable smorgasboard of culinary confetti. We had everything from gummi bears to sprinkles, chocolate chips to maraschino cherries, to choose from and cans of whip cream to top them off.
We're happy that so many people were able to stop by! But if you missed out for some reason, don't feel sad! We're already planning our next event for this summer- coming to a building courtyard near you.

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